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involving children in cooking can seem daunting…just because it may feel like it will be messy or even dangerous…but, if you look at letting your children help with your family’s food as a lesson in tactile exploration and fun, it can take on a whole new meaning, for everyone.

baking bread and rolling out dough is like playing with clay….chopping vegetables with a child-safe knife teaches them about shapes and safety, too…asking them to pick veggies from a garden can help them connect where food comes from…

have fun with your children in the kitchen…let them help…

here are some simple recipes…we especially like the morning garden snack with simple veggies and warming grain that the littles can season as they wish.

also, if your children can not yet reach the counter, look into getting a little wooden kitchen tower/stool for them to safely work at the countertop…or move the food prep to a lower surface like a little table.

also, after eating, let your children have a little water play time by letting them help wash dishes in a small basin.
