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nature time

children are amazingly relaxed when they are outside…the open air, sounds of birds, grass and earth under their feet and open-endedness of the space ground them.

wandering outside is one of the most fun things to do with little ones…but, for the times when you need more of an activity, here are a few ideas:

- nature table:
at arrow, we have a nature table where children place things they find outside…it allows them to examine their specimens, but also helps to bring the outside in

- water play:
sometimes getting wet is the best medicine…let children play with buckets or pails of water or practice pouring from vessel to vessel…and let them get wet and messy…once they come inside, warm them with a towel and hot tea, and even a warm water footbath with essential oils to help calm them and shift to inside time

- flower arranging:
the simple placing of flowers or herbs in a glass or jar after being gathered outside is very relaxing for children

- build a nest:
using found materials like sticks and branches and leaves…arrange in a circle, as large or small as you wish…the nest could be for a child, or an animal friend.

- start seedlings and plant a garden

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